Thursday 6 May 2010

last blog

Here is my last ever blog! well you never know!
i have had a lot of fun writing these, and i hope you have enjoyed reading them. some topics have allowed me to vent my own opinions and get them off my chest! but in all honesty this semester has been so much fun and i have enjoyed all the lecture.
i hope everyone has a lovely break! Next year is gonna be fun!

response to claires blog on infedelity

i agree with what claire says about people who cheat on there partners might have insceurities of there own. i personally dont htink you can be happy in a relationship if you are constantly thinkgin of sleeping with someone else or even worse if your actually sleeping with someone else. people need to be more realistic, how would you feel if you found out your partner was cheating on you.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

response to emmas blog on telling lies

i love the film pinocchio, it was one of my favorites as a little girl. and yet it never crossed my mind that this film is one of the bestd for showing children what happens if you lie and so therefore whay they should not. ok so wel all know our noses dont grow if we tell a lie! but lies is ok in times of need, but what people really should think about is that if you tell a big lie or a lie thats could affect others it is bound to get out!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

response to kams blog on peer pressure

i never really thought if peer pressure in a good way before, its always known that when you pressure some one its into bad things! never good! i like kams blog because it looks at both side. people who pressure there 'friends' into doing things they dont want to is wrong. i think that people should be free to do what they want. you should not make do someting you dont want to.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Mens mags

FHM, NUTS, ZOO and playboy are all men's magazines, which are very popular and you can buy them in most supermarkets and newsagents. These magazines include naked pictures erotic stories and real Life situations. i think that these magazine are very unfair as it set roles models for young girls who might see them and put a downer on them as they want to be like the models, also it sets up a false imagery to men of what women are like and what they should be like and from my own experience made me feel inadequate and false.
Then there are men's health magazines and car sports magazines where are socially acceptable and people see nothing wrong with them but some of the stories in a men's health mag can be just as graphic as FHM and NUTS.

respnse to matts blog on infedaelity

Matthews blog on infidelity gave made quite and interesting read, and i agree i think that the emphasis's on men cheating on women is far to large women are just as bad. but what i can't understand is why bother? if your in a good relationship then why rein things, or if its not going well then at least tell the other person wont be cheated on or be hurt. i read all the articles in men's mags of people who want to cheat who have cheated and the pleasure or pain they have received from it, and i just cant see the fascination. in my opinion they honestly cant love there partner enough if they are willing and do cheat on them.

Saturday 1 May 2010

response to stefans post about frankie boyle

i absolutly love frankie boyle. i think he is a good comedian he makes me laugh so much, but i agree he has his down sides i know that some of the things he says is raceist and he realy has offended some people. but i dont think he intends to he just takes it way to far. in this case he took it one step further by pointing her out. he honestly can say he did not realise

Bad Language!

bad language: swearing, expletives, racist comments and offending comments are all seen as bad language! but where do young children pick up on these habits, home? school? or the TV?

well in my opinion TV is one of the worst. there are more programs now that include swearing and explicit language. children pick up these habit used on TV think they are cool and use them too. home life has the biggest affect on a child's attitude and behaviour! if they see there parents having an argument and swearing they are more likely to think it is acceptable and do it to.

Thursday 29 April 2010


chocolate! yum! we all eat it we all love it. but i can be so bad for us!

it is addictive and tastes so good! galaxy dairy milk, wispa, twix, mars etc... so many to choose from.

but chocolate contains a lot of fat and so eating to much can result in weight gaining high blood pressure and heart problems, but on the up side those who suffer from illnesses are grateful as it contains a lot of sugar, which for diabetics who have hypos is a god send. a moment on the lips a life time of the hips as my gran would say! we did not have a lecture on this but it thought it would be interesting to see peoples personal opinions on weather they think its bad!

the link shows debates people have had on this!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

response to yasmins blog on bad cinema

i agree that it sis not surprise me in a way, i think that society has reluctantly accepted that teenagers do have sex drink and take drug. i dont think the director takled the issues in a good way. But what did suppose me was when the lecturer said this film was made to combat these bad habits. for parents to take there children to see it, i don't think it would make a difference and i know for a fact my parents would never take me to see that.


Now this is a topic that i cant personally get my head round. i think that sex is something to be enjoyed wit the person you love not complete strangers, who could of had 20 sexual partners. what i am saying is you should be careful with your body. some say watching porn with your partner gives you new ideas and spices up your love life. i my opinion i don't agree, i have been with my partner for 4 years and we don't need any help with new ideas.

society sees it as bad if you walk into a video store the adult section is out of the way of children covered up the same with magazine's in a shop. it give us a unreal view or what sex is actually about, unnatural positions and situations. it could potentially destroy personal relation ships as standard are not met because of false images by the pornography industry.

porn stars don't always have an easy job either there are a lot of physical strains that it can have upon their body, regular tests are always needed to make sure they are healthy.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


Gambling is betting an amount of money on a material abject be it horses dogs, football etc... with they hopeful outcome of winning! Gambling is not always a bad thing, scratch cards the lotto and even bingo are usually all small amounts, where as public events like horse racing and football bets take large amounts of money as well as small sums.
casinos are another matter. they have feel of fun and excitement, but people can waist all there money away. Las Vagas is the party central for Gambling. i personally don't mind a flutter every so often, bingo scratch cards and occasionally the odd bet like the grand national. but i think if your gonna Gamble you need to be honest with yourself as well as your family, you will then realise how much your you gamble and weather it is innocent.
there are lots of different people who can help you if you think you have a gambling problem.

Monday 26 April 2010

Binge drinking

Binge drinking! drinking way over the limit every day with the intention of becoming intoxicated. drinking to relax is OK as long as its in moderation, but when you binge drink its to get drunk not to relax. it can have impacts of several parts of your life. liver and heart problems, bad skin, accidents bad behaviour! the government have been trying to tackle it over the past year, trying to cut down the amount of A and E casualties due to drinking. as well as decreasing the crime rate. Joseph Rowntree foundation does several bad behaviour amounts youngsters.

Sunday 25 April 2010

response to sams blog on Gambling!

i completely agree, i do like to gamble occasionally on a scratch card for instance. But never Major gambling. i do think that some people take it to far, and in some cases have gambled away there possessions. this can damage peoples life's and relationships. for example my brother had a problem for a while where he gamble so much he got into debt and did not realise, his girlfriend left him and he had no money, and he went and got help. He is now a successful tour manager who in engaged and now only does the lottery if he can be bothered. so it shows anyone can get help.

Bad comedians

what do i mean by Bad comedians? well to me a bad comedian is some who tells offensive joke can be racist even if they don't realise they are. some used bad and degrading language. the topics and subjects the talk about can also be rude and offensive. Bernard manning and Cubby Brown are the examples given in class but i am gonna look at some more modern day comedians who i consider to be bad influences yet we find very funny!

Saturday 24 April 2010

ann summers

Today we had an ann summers party where we looked at sex toy, sex object and sexy clothing. sex toys are a new thing, people would not dare to own a sex toy in the 50's even thought hereprobably was not many at the time. sex and bondage brings bad connetations for some people.

  • its disrespectful

  • you should respect your body

  • if you love someone they why do you need all these things to help during sex?

Thursday 22 April 2010

body modification!

what a topic, now if i could modify my body i would be slimmer my boobs would be bigger. but in reality i would never go under the knife! these are big things, weight loss surgery breast implants all big changes. piercings and hair cuts two small things which we would not necessarily think of as modifying our body, but it is.
now if we wanna look at a more bazaar modification there are things like having a sex change. or even in religion their is body modification, circumcision for example, by being circumcised you are changing the human form.
piercings are fine to an extent! some people chose to do it to express them self's. some piercings are done for sexual pleasure like for skin piercing suppose to heighten sexual stimulation.

weird right?

response to yasmines blog on lying

some lieing you do for the sake of others, like telling your children there is santa clause. we all lie at some point weather its a small little white lie or a big fat lie. some people lie to make them look good or to make others feel good. which i am sure most girls will understand, 'does my bum look big in this'. man says' no darling it does not'. some lies are understandable and are ok, but some like makeing something up about someone which is nasty is wrong and insensitive.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Tattoos are very common over time they have evolved. cultures in all parts of the world have there own versions of tattos weather its for show, identification or simply to mark property. some tattoos do look a bit tacky but over all they can be attractive. personally if having a tattoo was not painful then yes i may get one, but as it stand no one would get the needle anywhere near me! if you look at the extreme side of it covering the whole of your body, or making the one mistake which has become popular, having your partners name tattooed on them and then after splitting up realiseing what a mistake it was. some people have whole body anf face tattoos to cover up thing they dont like or want to change. like the picture below:

Tuesday 20 April 2010


infedelity: breaking rules of and initmate relationship, sexual infedelity means having sexual contact with anyone that is not your partner husband or wife etc...

its common to think that it is mainly men who cheat on there partners, but shows such as Jeremy kyle show us other wise. celebrates make it fashionable to have affairs, instead of being a good role model they dont set a good example, famous adulators include jude law, ashley cole, john terry and many more. films are also a bad source of corruption. many films and TV shows portray that infidelity is not a bad thing. For example Eastenders: Christian and Syed are gay lovers, however Syed is married to Amira. He has been cheating on his wife. society today does not care about infidelity unless it is happening to them, seeing this story line has not been an awakening of the harsh reality this has on partners as well as the other partner, but just reinforced the
idea that it does actually happen.

The 10 best scandalous affairs.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Bandits And Outlaws

The most famous outlaw is... ROBIN HOOD! Everyone knows the story or robin hood.(if not go to the link at the bottom of the page) robin hood was an out law who was belived to live in sherwood forest sitiuated in nottingham, he was known for steeling from the rich and giving to the poor, assisted by his merry men.

But robin hood was not the only outlaw we know, jessy james is another out law who in the end fort for what he bleived in. A couple of things historians have raised were: are these just folk tales? what evidence do we have except word of mouth? what do you think?http://

Thursday 15 April 2010

Bad Cinema

In the bad cinema lecture we spoke on the subject violence and sex on tv. we watched the short film kids by Larry clark. the film portrais a young group of 'friends' who drink take drugs and are violent. the main charecter has a busy time trying de-flower as many girls as he can unaware that he is HIV. The film was made so that it would warn young teenagers of the bad affects of underage sex and drinking.
'Bad cinema' is all around adverts, soap operas and reality tv affect youngsters from an early age. without realising the promte alsorts of bad images, bullying is one of the populars with the ammount of crime and violence on the tv there is no supprise that children are getting bullied and it not being sorted. another big issue is beauty, young beautiful women flaunt themselfs all over tv, which set bad roll models for young girls, more and more girls are going through annerexia beacuse tv and film telling them they should be slim, that a size 0 is the size to be. these are only a few of the problems, there are plenty more.


masturbation, the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals. when we think of masturbation our first thought is of a man 'playing' with him self, but its not only men who masturbate women do it to. there are several different names that we give it. male names are things like butter your corn, devils handshake doodle your noodle and the simple one of jackin off. female names include names such as cat got your tongue, flicken the bean, three point shot and beating around the bush.
many religions see masturbation as a sin, especially the catholic church. they say it is the devils influence trying to make you lose faith and sin, and that god made you how you how you are for a reason and you should not waist it. (hence the song my Monty python, every sperm is sacred.)

anyway religion also see that men are the ones likely to make this sin not women.


prostitution is the act or practice in enagging in sex acts for hire. (Basically haveing sex for money). There are several names for prostitutes such as hooker, whore, ho, street walker, sex worker, escort and women of the night.

prostitution is well known in places such as amsterdam in the red light district. many countrys have laws against prostitution, the uk law states that the act of prostitution is not illegal but that it is an offence to cause or incite prostitution or controll it for personal gain.

Adverts in phone boxes have been banned since 2001. also curb cralling has been banned to stop persistant annoyance. several cases have been made public over the years women being killed and raped, for instance in 2006 there was a case where a man murded 5 young women.

  • so should the government put an out right ban on prostitution or not?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Lies Lies Lies!

is lying ok?

is it worse when people tell you lies or when your telling the lie?

everyday people tell lies, sometimes we might lie to keep things from friends that might hurt them. sometimes we tell lies to make ourselfs sound good or thers feel good. for example if your partner said to you does this dress make me look fat? is it wise to say no you look great, even if does make them look big or maybe not even sute them. or would you tell them the truth to stop embarisment while out?

i think little white lies are ok, but big lies that could have the potential to hurt alot of people. i sometimes say yes to things that i know will give people boost even if i dont like it. but i would never tell a lie that would hurt someone.

This website gives a detailed account to why people lie and what the get out of it.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

being bad part 2

Bad behaviour part 2!

Bullying and stalking.

we all genuinly know that bullying someone is wrong. no one should physically or mentally bully someone no matter how good it makes you feel.

children bully eachother most of the time, but as parents and adults you have to teach them right from wrong, and if what you say or do is going to affect someone then its wrong to do so, right?

well what about a mother who has two children of 10. They are very over weight, and she shouts at them all the time. she makes fun of them and emotionally hurts them in order to get a response where they lose weight. if they starts losing weight and look after them selfs and will have a good out come, then is it ok to bully them.

same with stalking, there has been so many cases in the papers where a lot of girls have been stalked. is it the girls faults? maybe they were over dressed or under dressed depending on how you look at it. or they attracted the eye of these men because they were to pritty.

maybe all this bullying and stalking it our own faults maybe we all show off to much? maybe we are all to selfish and want to much?

But there are also alot of help line out there for people being bullied and want help. here are a few!

Monday 1 March 2010

Bad Behaviour

Bad Behaviour!

what is bad behaviour? bullying people at school? bullying people in the work place?

hurting people because they dont do what you want? or forcing people do things they dont want to? steeling, cheating and abusing, these are all thongs that we class as bad behaviour.

statistics show that the crime rate in the uk has started to fall slowly.

to see the national statistics click the likn below:

But when does this behaviour become ok.

Today we are gonna look at steeling, is it ok in certian cercumstances? how is it bad? do the intentions rule out its badness?
steeling from people:
In a crowed shop a man steals another mans wallet.
so is this person in the wrong?
In the wallet he finds £50, he hands the wallet in but minus the £50.
does this make it any better?
He uses the money to buy food for his family food. they have been living in a shelter. now that we know why this guy took the money for this reason does it make his actions any better?
after all if we could do anything for our families we would. everyone at some point behaves badly. we all do bad things, some may have sincear reasons for it. and others do it because they can.

second example is shoplifting: people of all ages have shoplifted, weather it was a book, a top or even some sweets they still do it. some do it to get money others because they like or want the item and dont have enough money for it. But what about this is bad. Is it the person who is steeling? or the intentions behind it?

i am addicted to shoes. everytime i see a pair i like i just want them, but being a poor student has its disadvantages. but when you see thapair of shoes that you want the erge to find a way of getting them is hard to stop, weather it is stealing or borrowing of a friend or family. but i would never steal. if you want something you earn it, you earn the money and the right to it.

a small child has to earn the right to have a sweet, if that means being good and doing what its told then they do it, we are trained from a young age to do what our parents say. and over our life time we have to adapt that in alsorts of situations.

in my next blog we will be looking at stalking and bullying.

Monday 22 February 2010


Is smoking cool? is it sexy? then why do it?
movies presented smoking as sexy image, early films would picture men in bars smoking. this is thought to be seductive. for example James bond, he was seen as a very sexy man, this was through not only his way with the ladies but his seductive smile and the cigarette he held in his hand.
smoking plays big parts in some everyday life, on the telivision, on the radio in pubs and clubs and on the internet. there are dedicated sites for those who beleive it is sexy! this website shows discussions between people on weather smoking is sexy.

what do you think are these men and women sexy?

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Week 12 Are pubs and clubs really bad for us?

For week 12 we have been asked to think of a place or topic we wish to cover in the session.

my suggestion is that we look more into how clubs and bars are affecting us.
  • Are they teaching young adults bad habbits?
  • Are clubs as bad as they are made out to be?
  • Is it society who has labled them as bad?