Monday 1 March 2010

Bad Behaviour

Bad Behaviour!

what is bad behaviour? bullying people at school? bullying people in the work place?

hurting people because they dont do what you want? or forcing people do things they dont want to? steeling, cheating and abusing, these are all thongs that we class as bad behaviour.

statistics show that the crime rate in the uk has started to fall slowly.

to see the national statistics click the likn below:

But when does this behaviour become ok.

Today we are gonna look at steeling, is it ok in certian cercumstances? how is it bad? do the intentions rule out its badness?
steeling from people:
In a crowed shop a man steals another mans wallet.
so is this person in the wrong?
In the wallet he finds £50, he hands the wallet in but minus the £50.
does this make it any better?
He uses the money to buy food for his family food. they have been living in a shelter. now that we know why this guy took the money for this reason does it make his actions any better?
after all if we could do anything for our families we would. everyone at some point behaves badly. we all do bad things, some may have sincear reasons for it. and others do it because they can.

second example is shoplifting: people of all ages have shoplifted, weather it was a book, a top or even some sweets they still do it. some do it to get money others because they like or want the item and dont have enough money for it. But what about this is bad. Is it the person who is steeling? or the intentions behind it?

i am addicted to shoes. everytime i see a pair i like i just want them, but being a poor student has its disadvantages. but when you see thapair of shoes that you want the erge to find a way of getting them is hard to stop, weather it is stealing or borrowing of a friend or family. but i would never steal. if you want something you earn it, you earn the money and the right to it.

a small child has to earn the right to have a sweet, if that means being good and doing what its told then they do it, we are trained from a young age to do what our parents say. and over our life time we have to adapt that in alsorts of situations.

in my next blog we will be looking at stalking and bullying.

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