Tuesday 9 March 2010

Lies Lies Lies!

is lying ok?

is it worse when people tell you lies or when your telling the lie?

everyday people tell lies, sometimes we might lie to keep things from friends that might hurt them. sometimes we tell lies to make ourselfs sound good or thers feel good. for example if your partner said to you does this dress make me look fat? is it wise to say no you look great, even if does make them look big or maybe not even sute them. or would you tell them the truth to stop embarisment while out?

i think little white lies are ok, but big lies that could have the potential to hurt alot of people. i sometimes say yes to things that i know will give people boost even if i dont like it. but i would never tell a lie that would hurt someone.

This website gives a detailed account to why people lie and what the get out of it.

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