Thursday 15 April 2010

Bad Cinema

In the bad cinema lecture we spoke on the subject violence and sex on tv. we watched the short film kids by Larry clark. the film portrais a young group of 'friends' who drink take drugs and are violent. the main charecter has a busy time trying de-flower as many girls as he can unaware that he is HIV. The film was made so that it would warn young teenagers of the bad affects of underage sex and drinking.
'Bad cinema' is all around adverts, soap operas and reality tv affect youngsters from an early age. without realising the promte alsorts of bad images, bullying is one of the populars with the ammount of crime and violence on the tv there is no supprise that children are getting bullied and it not being sorted. another big issue is beauty, young beautiful women flaunt themselfs all over tv, which set bad roll models for young girls, more and more girls are going through annerexia beacuse tv and film telling them they should be slim, that a size 0 is the size to be. these are only a few of the problems, there are plenty more.

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